Monday, April 12, 2010

Thank god it's MONDAY ;D


i'm back! and i bring a good news!!!!

well, first thing first. DAY ONE ON FINAL EXAM: " CLEEEAAAARRR " thank god for showing the way and helping me to do the test. 2 days to go. wish me luck guys!!!!

actually, i'm not really in a good mood for writting. but, i've to keep my blog update to impress y'all my lovie readers :D.

anyway, i always believe in this word:


you know what? i've just heard my daddy arguing with my mom about his problems in his company. but finally he can handled it, thank god! sometimes, as a son, i always wanted to help my daddy facing his problems. i know i'm not good at those strange language but i can work at it. all i have to do now, as a son, actually is impress my daddy with my score at school. it always been a pleasure for my daddy when he see me i've got a great score. in the future, i'd like to have my own company. btw, i haven't told you about my goal in the future. wanna see? check it it below!

first, i wanna be a success business man who can give like a plenties of advantages to peoples/publics and of course i wanna be a business man who never forget about my god, ALLAH SWT and my familys :D

<-------- woo-hoo such a pleasure isn't it? :D

well, second, i'd like to be the editor in chief in one of fashion magazines in manhattan!!! OMG, it always been my dream to live in manhattan. anyway, i love to work in a fashion magazine such
as Vogue, Elle etc.

- Vogue magz, model = Lebron + Gisele

- Elle Magz, model = Reese Witherspon

And the last but not least, i'd like to represent indonesia in United Nations!!!!!!! i love pubic speaking. i love speaking in front of many people,
I believe and always believe i can accomplish at least one of my goals. there's never been a word name 'impossible' in my dictionary.

so, keep believe in yourself readers, chances always come and go. take those chances. YES, chances will come for the second time, but not as big as the first one :D

okay, that's all for today. have a good day readers :*
xoxo, Yoga Saldy

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