Thursday, April 29, 2010


Hello there my beloved readers!!!!!

sorryyyyyy, i've been away for a couple of weeks cause i hv a very very hectic activities to do and a bit exhausted to did it all.

anyway, i've got some news for y'all..........and i'm so fortunate IT'S ALL A GOOD NEWS!!!

i feel so blessed! thank to Allah SWT for giving me all these happiness. i just can't thank him enough :"). well.....i graduated from school, of course, i had passed the national exams!
here are the list of my score at national exams:

Indonesian language: 8,20

English : 8,40

Mathematics : 9,75

Economics : 8,00

Sociology : 8,80

Geography : 5,20

TOTAL: 48,35 AVERAGE: 8,06

to be honest, i'm a lil bit disappointed and proud of myself at the same time. i told why i was disappointed first. look at my geography score! it just really killed me u know! i was crying when i knew i got 5,20 on geography! BUT, when i look at my other score, i really did proud to myself! i've done a really good job and of course make my parents proud to have me :).

on 20 september, i'm heading to college for good! i'll have my college life on Binus International University at sudirman. i feel so excited!!!!!!! hopefully, i've prepared enough for college, whether physical or mental.

that;s it for today...the graduation ceremony will be held on 1 may 2009. wish me luck guys!!!!
i'll see you really really soon!

xoxo, Yoga Saldy

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