Thursday, April 29, 2010


Hello there my beloved readers!!!!!

sorryyyyyy, i've been away for a couple of weeks cause i hv a very very hectic activities to do and a bit exhausted to did it all.

anyway, i've got some news for y'all..........and i'm so fortunate IT'S ALL A GOOD NEWS!!!

i feel so blessed! thank to Allah SWT for giving me all these happiness. i just can't thank him enough :"). well.....i graduated from school, of course, i had passed the national exams!
here are the list of my score at national exams:

Indonesian language: 8,20

English : 8,40

Mathematics : 9,75

Economics : 8,00

Sociology : 8,80

Geography : 5,20

TOTAL: 48,35 AVERAGE: 8,06

to be honest, i'm a lil bit disappointed and proud of myself at the same time. i told why i was disappointed first. look at my geography score! it just really killed me u know! i was crying when i knew i got 5,20 on geography! BUT, when i look at my other score, i really did proud to myself! i've done a really good job and of course make my parents proud to have me :).

on 20 september, i'm heading to college for good! i'll have my college life on Binus International University at sudirman. i feel so excited!!!!!!! hopefully, i've prepared enough for college, whether physical or mental.

that;s it for today...the graduation ceremony will be held on 1 may 2009. wish me luck guys!!!!
i'll see you really really soon!

xoxo, Yoga Saldy

Saturday, April 17, 2010



how y'all doing?? so fortunate it's saturday.

anyway, last night i was watching Disney on ice adventure with my darlies, naela alita camelia and grace sabrina siregar. the show was damn amazing. i always love disney, even i'm 17 and going to college in a few months, i alwaaaaays love everything about disney.

there were so many characters in disney on ice last nite. they were, cinderella (my favorite ;D), the incredinbles, stitch, jungle book, Buzz lightyear, snow white, alice in wonderland etc.

The story began when mickey and his friends going to make a magic kingdom's parade. but suddenly, minnie and donald was missing! and the audience, us! tell micky that minnie and donald were given a poisonous spell by the witch in sleeping beauty. Mickey and his friends tryin to save minnie and donald. and they got help from the incredibles. at the end, micky and his friend, donald's girlfie, daisy. was gave minnie and donald a true love kiss. and they're awake from their longlast sleep.

these are some of my favorite pictures which i was taken last night:

Cinderella and prince charming was my favorite :D

click the pictures you like for some bigger image


IT'S SO FANTASTIC!!! and of course, my biggest thanks for my darlies grace sabrina and naela alita, you guys made my day!!!

That's all for today i think. have a great day readers!!!!
xoxo, Yoga Saldy

Monday, April 12, 2010

Thank god it's MONDAY ;D


i'm back! and i bring a good news!!!!

well, first thing first. DAY ONE ON FINAL EXAM: " CLEEEAAAARRR " thank god for showing the way and helping me to do the test. 2 days to go. wish me luck guys!!!!

actually, i'm not really in a good mood for writting. but, i've to keep my blog update to impress y'all my lovie readers :D.

anyway, i always believe in this word:


you know what? i've just heard my daddy arguing with my mom about his problems in his company. but finally he can handled it, thank god! sometimes, as a son, i always wanted to help my daddy facing his problems. i know i'm not good at those strange language but i can work at it. all i have to do now, as a son, actually is impress my daddy with my score at school. it always been a pleasure for my daddy when he see me i've got a great score. in the future, i'd like to have my own company. btw, i haven't told you about my goal in the future. wanna see? check it it below!

first, i wanna be a success business man who can give like a plenties of advantages to peoples/publics and of course i wanna be a business man who never forget about my god, ALLAH SWT and my familys :D

<-------- woo-hoo such a pleasure isn't it? :D

well, second, i'd like to be the editor in chief in one of fashion magazines in manhattan!!! OMG, it always been my dream to live in manhattan. anyway, i love to work in a fashion magazine such
as Vogue, Elle etc.

- Vogue magz, model = Lebron + Gisele

- Elle Magz, model = Reese Witherspon

And the last but not least, i'd like to represent indonesia in United Nations!!!!!!! i love pubic speaking. i love speaking in front of many people,
I believe and always believe i can accomplish at least one of my goals. there's never been a word name 'impossible' in my dictionary.

so, keep believe in yourself readers, chances always come and go. take those chances. YES, chances will come for the second time, but not as big as the first one :D

okay, that's all for today. have a good day readers :*
xoxo, Yoga Saldy

Sunday, April 11, 2010

getting depressed and an excitment at the same time

Hey beloved readers,

It's sunday, and it means 2mrrw is monday................and worse, it means 2mrrw is my final exam in high school. unfortunataley, i'm so sick of studying all the time. and i'm lazy enough cause i'm already accomplished the national exam and the practice test (amin). i used to studying citizenship rite now. but.....DANG!!! when i look at the citizenship problem set paper, it just my spirit has gone crazy and slowly vanished! actually, there's going to be 2 subject tested. first is citizenhip, and second is religion. i have no idea how am i going to do for 2mrrw in religions/beliefes. well, i look similar with this:

this is, an example when you're over studied, just like me 0_O"":


Okay enough with school things. anyway, besides i'm getting depressed, i get some of excitement too. first of all, GLEE'S 12-22 WILL SHORTLY AVAILABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. GLEE is my favorite TV SHOWS EVER!!!! i have watched the 1-13 epsiodes and it was A-MA-ZING! you guys should watch it. it's a really2 great reccomendation from me :D. in GLEE, rachel and Finn is my favorite cast. everyone seems to hate rachel, but i'm not!. rachel may be annoying, but her spirit to be a star is just BAM!!!! i love a people with a great and unbeatable spirit. rachel is played by lea michele and fin is played by cory monteith


and this is GLEE cast + success team when they were accepting their first Golden Globe awards for "The best Musical or Comedy TV shows":

CONGRATULATIONS FOR THEM!!!<--(click there for some bigger image)
Anyway, i have a little secret for y'all. i'm planning to auditon for the new GLEE cast on season 2 hihi. but, my friend grace sabrina has just told me that, the audition just available for those who in state. but, it's okay. seeing them on the TV shows great enough yo make me moreeee in love.

think that's all for now. going to take some lunch and continuing for study. one more thing, wish me luck for the next 3 days for facing the final exams!!!

have a great day readers!!!!
xoxo, Yoga Saldy :*

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday Morning

Hello there beloved peoples

i just got my sports done today. and OMG its damn exhausting. well, actually it's for school assigment. i hate sports and i really do.

anyway, this is saturday morning and almost noon. going to study this nite GAAAAHHH for monday's final exam. honestly, i'm kinda lazy to do things things, but unfortunately i HAVE to do it!.

i'm kinda technology-less or still kind of taboo with blog. i haven't had any followers yet, sadness :""((. when i telling my freinds i had a blog. they said that they have one to but they made it a long2 time ago. OMG i'm so five minutes ago, didn't i? lol. i've my blog in 2008 or whatsoever. but it's error and i don't have any idea how to open my old blog -_-.

i jst download some of my girlfie photoshoot for teen vogue magazine. yeah, it's emma watson hihi :D. you can see it below:

she looks damn goregous and totally mature. so proud of you emma.

read: when i told you im going to study tonite, it depends on my mood. i think i'm goig to hang out with my family for stretch mind a bit' lol.

think that's it. catch y'all later

xoxo, Yoga Saldy :*

Friday, April 9, 2010


THANK GOD I MADE IT!!! there's a few problems when i create my blog anyway. but it's kinda fun. it's already late, should take a serious rest. 2mrr2 going to be awsome, xoYB