Sunday, September 26, 2010



Anyway, i'm so sorry for the break, a long long break since the last time i wrote and posted my last writing. There's so much things you guys need to know "what's happening to me for the last 4 months?" a big question eh?..........I'm gonna start and write it in order.

" JUNE "

In June, well, i've posted my last writing on the month of June, so yeah it's about world cup thingies. BUT!!!!! there's something unforgetable moments i've ever had. YES, USA TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i went to USA for my holiday. i went to Anaheim, LA, Las Vegas and San Fransisco. it was such a dream come true. i always wanted to go there since i was a little. I've got some pictures that i took. But........i'm in a rush now, i need to jump in to the shower, i need to read my micro economics and business changing books, so....i think i'm gonna post it later on when i'm done with the things ;)

" JULY " lemme' think first.......i don't really in to July though. Yet, on 1 - 10 july i still in The USA that time, in Las Vegas then fly to San Fransisco exactly. and after the trip was accomplished, everything went back to normal, and yeah, it's pretty boring!


GAAAAH!!! i don't know whether i have to love or spit on this month. there were several occasions that happened in this month. First of all, my orientation days at uni! i'm a freshmen, it was so exhausting and so highschool though -_____-" i don't really want to discuss about the orientation days, cause to be honest, it pissed me off! So....let's continue, there're several occasions were pretty nice! for example, my dad's birthday. 2 party were held, first at sate khas senayan and second was in Mulia hotel. And the last but not least was Ramadhan :). cause i'm a moslem, i need to fasting. it was niceeeee, major nice!! Well, It was pretty exhausting in august, but eventually, it was just a so-so


UNIVERSITY. Yeah, University! Due i passed the orientation days with NO VIOLATIONS (praise the lord), I successfully became an official student of Binus International University. The Inauguration was held in 5 september 2010. after the Inauguration.....Holiday again, which i'm gonna miss it for the rest of my life. on 10 september it was Idul Ftri day (MOHON MAAF LAHIR BATIN YOU GUYS :)), i went to several relatives cribs to ask for apologize (do it sounds.....weird?). anyway, on 20 septmeber i startes my very first effective day in Uni! it was pretty amazing though there was some tough subjects that i need to pay attention more in it. But, Eventually, September is great so far :D

Well guys, i thnk that's all from me today, Those events are the events that you guys miss from me. Oh yea, about the pictures, i'm gonna put it later, K? so, Keep in touch!!! Time for me to off.....see you guys very2 soon and have a nice day!!!!!

xoxo, Yoga Saldy

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