Thursday, May 27, 2010


Hey there beloved readers

i feel guilty cause i haven't updated much since the graduation.

anyway, My life is full of misery these couple of days. Many things come and go....but, it's a bad things. Yet, there's a few thing which i considered as a positive things. In this month, there's so many people that inspired me to be a better person. besides Parents, Friends and The circumstances, Many songs that have inspired me much to refuse to give up to soon. One of them is Owl City song - tidal wave. I started to playback-ing that songs since i recognize the lyrics.

I give you the lyrics below:


I wish I could cross my arms
And cross your mind 'cause I believe
You'd unfold your paper heart
And wear it on your sleeve

All my life I wish I broke mirrors
Instead of promises
'Cause all I see is a shattered conscience
Staring right back at me

I wish I had covered all my tracks completely
'Cause I'm so afraid
Is that the light at the far end of the tunnel
Or just the train?

Lift your arms, only Heaven knows
Where the danger grows and it's safe to say
There's a bright light up ahead
And help is on the way, help is on the way

I forget the last time I felt brave
I just recall insecurity
'Cause it came down like a tidal wave
And sorrow swept over me

Depression, please cut to the chase
And cut a long story short
Oh, please be done, how much longer
Can this drama afford to run?

Fate looks sharp, severs all my ties
And breaks whatever doesn't bend
But sadly then, all my heavy hopes
Just pull me back down again

I forget the last time I felt brave
I just recall insecurity
'Cause it came down like a tidal wave
And sorrow swept over me

Then I was given grace and love
I was blind but now I can see
'Cause I found a new hope from above
And courage swept over me

It hurts just to wake up
Whenever you're wearing thin
Alone on the outside
So tired of looking in

The end is uncertain
And I've never been so afraid
But I don't need a telescope
To see that there's hope
And that makes me feel brave

I'm a big fan of Owl City. His songs really inspired me and always reminds Me about something positive

That's all for today shared story fellas. Hope y'al enjoy your day then.
xoxo, Yoga Saldy